Welcome to KeySteps

UPDATE – 25/06/2024

For Bond Applications, Homeless information and Signposting please contact us by email: office@KeySteps.org.uk or phone: 01934 617617. Please leave a message and a member of staff will contact you - we aim to respond within 24 hours. We can also arrange a face to face appointment with you if required.


You can download an application form here or we can send you one, or we can fill one out over the phone for you. If you are a current bondholder you can ask us for a Foodbank voucher if you need one.


OTHER SOURCES OF SUPPORT  (for more see our in-Crisis leaflet)


Apply for an Alliance Support Worker to help with accommodation, debts and benefits issues? Looking for work/education/training opportunities? Going into hospital, have health needs or are a carer for someone else?

Tel: 03000 120 120 option 3 for referral or go to www.alliancehomesgroup.org.uk
This is a free service for all ages funded by North Somerset Council


Contact Citizens Advice North Somerset for free, independent, confidential and impartial advice and information on a wide range of subjects. Get in touch by phone or online. Our Advice Shop in The Sovereign, BS23 1HL, is also open for appointments and triage.

Online www.nscab.org.uk

Phone 0800 144 8848 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)

Universal Credit Help to Claim - 0800 144 8444


North Somerset Council Homeless Prevention Team - All clients, where able, should complete a self-serve application live.housingjigsaw.co.uk 

A team member will call back within 24 hours.

Any person who is homeless that day will need to ring 01934 426330 or email HP.Triage@n-somerset.gov.uk  (Out of hours emergencies 01454 615165)


Somewhere To Go is now open 7 days a week 9am-4pm, 365 days a year.

Free Breakfast 9am-11am, £1 Lunch 12.30pm-1pm (not Tuesdays - at Emmanuel Church instead).

Community Nurses, change of clothes, sleeping bags, showers, food parcels.

Assistance with benefits and housing. Foodbank vouchers.

St John’s Hall, Boulevard, WsM, BS23 1NA - 01934 641880


YMCA Homeless Outreach Support can offer help, advice and support for people who are rough sleeping or at risk of becoming a rough sleeper. Based at the Weston office, 138 High Street. Please telephone on 01934 629787 to make an appointment to speak with the team.

Drop-ins at Somewhere to Go: Weds 11am-12pm. Early morning Outreach Wellbeing Walks through the week: Town Centre, Beach Front, Grove Park.


Job Centre Plus

For up-to-date information about online and telephone services please call: 0800 169 0190

Apply for benefits as soon as possible, you may then be able to apply for further emergency assistance through the Jobcentre or North Somerset Council. If you are in hardship you can also apply for a Short-Term Advance to cover the time while your application is being processed.



Safe Haven offers expert help for anyone over 16 who is feeling overwhelmed, distressed or struggling with their mental health. The team offers telephone, Zoom and face to face support from the  Crisis & Recovery Centre at 4, Boulevard, WsM, BS23 1NA.

Open every day from 6pm - midnight for support. Please call or email to arrange an appointment. Tel: 01934 313480 or email refer.safehaven@nhs.net

(No Drop-ins. Unable to administer or prescribe medication.)





What to do if you spot a rough sleeper

There is a new link for reporting  www.thestreetlink.org.uk